BPI Solutions is a custom chemical blending and packaging service provider.  We manufacture high quality liquid, gel and paste products for our customers in the automotive appearance, automotive repair, liquid fragrance and household and industrial cleaners markets.  Operating two production facilities in the greater Memphis area totaling more than 500,000 square feet, we produce a wide variety of liquid, gel, and paste products. We have over two dozen packaging lines which provides tremendous flexibility and efficiency and can fill containers ranging in size from a half-ounce bottle to 55 gallon drums.  Furthermore, we can blend and produce products with physical characteristics ranging from water inert to flammable and water-thin to 2,000,000 cps in viscosity


BPI is a premier manufacturer and packager for companies building better brands.

We are guided by 5 core values…Safety, Quality, Accountability, Integrity, and Respect.  We call it the BPI WAY.

The safety, health and well-being of our employees is our most important value.  We operate safe plants and employee training, PPE, lockout/tagout procedures and machine guarding are among the many tools that BPI uses to establish a safe manufacturing environment.

We consistently deliver American-made products of the highest quality.  BPI reliably produces products that conform to our customer’s standards and are free of deficiencies.  And we strive to achieve continuous quality improvement for each of our customers.

BPI understands that business activities impact the earth and its resources.  We strive to minimize, reduce, and properly dispose of any waste created from our manufacturing operations.  Furthermore, we recognize the importance of product design, efficient energy and material use, and material recycling in reducing our environmental impact.

BPI believes it is important to be an integral part of its local community and to give back when and where it can.  Alongside the Martin Family Foundation, we have provided millions of dollars of community support through partnerships with Hope2Hire, Advance Memphis, Church Health Center, the Memphis Food Bank and Latino Memphis.

BPI maintains an inclusive workforce that fully embraces many different cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints.  We strive to reflect our community and we empower our employees to bring their full, authentic selves to work.

BPI has doubled in size over the past five years by making significant investments in its plant and equipment, systems, and people. BPI is privately owned by RBM Ventures and its senior leadership team and has a strong financial foundation to achieve future growth.

Greater Memphis is truly America’s distribution hub.  It boasts a best-in-class integrated transportation system of highway infrastructure, rail mainlines, river ports, and the 2nd busiest cargo airport in the world.   Many Fortune 500 companies recognize the speed and efficiency of distributing from a central geographic area that is a 1-day drive to 40% of the U.S. population and a 2-day drive to 75% of the U.S. population.

We want our customers to know that we are partnered with them for the next decade, not just the next product launch or production run.
May we help you with your chemical blending and packaging needs?

Notices Regarding Plan Providers IN NETWORK https://d25kgz5rikkq4n.cloudfront.net/cost_transparency/mrf/in-network-rates/reporting_month=2022-07/2022-07-01_cigna-health-life-insurance-company_national-oap_in-network-rates.json.gz?Expires=1660513152&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kMjVrZ3o1cmlra3E0bi5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9jb3N0X3RyYW5zcGFyZW5jeS9tcmYvaW4tbmV0d29yay1yYXRlcy9yZXBvcnRpbmdfbW9udGg9MjAyMi0wNy8yMDIyLTA3LTAxX2NpZ25hLWhlYWx0aC1saWZlLWluc3VyYW5jZS1jb21wYW55X25hdGlvbmFsLW9hcF9pbi1uZXR3b3JrLXJhdGVzLmpzb24uZ3oiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE2NjA1MTMxNTJ9fX1dfQ__&Signature=jkRq6qGvuGcJkvjhlylSWNdxvhkQqwpPkskUYMJBqoYTWOGoh69m5unj-utFIr~Pddpt3r6liJsr5M-IOqC4R9sebn02QMFBggYq39wzrKF8Uvesxr6ILDXrOWpXP9S6mSP43V~8ckvSBtZ~JUMJGHWx3HVEd5w8aLgejVCCh15UECEYMOrxOOlyv3BwjGjWsyLcneln3iPIeI-Lihip4wtyFUViN212xD~d~o4A6rlJ-WNpQFB06e~RpLDHC013kEM1QP6S3cpx66J8YE062pyy42JEKoQa1okzHuW38rfoEI4MKgdPFimNf7s4eIU7EDAliSJFUdxlMbkh6Jgvcw__&Key-Pair-Id=K1NVBEPVH9LWJP     OUT OF NETWORK https://d25kgz5rikkq4n.cloudfront.net/cost_transparency/mrf/allowed_amounts_empty/reporting_month=2022-07/2022-07-01_cigna-health-life-insurance-company_empty_allowed-amounts.json?Expires=1660513152&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kMjVrZ3o1cmlra3E0bi5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9jb3N0X3RyYW5zcGFyZW5jeS9tcmYvYWxsb3dlZF9hbW91bnRzX2VtcHR5L3JlcG9ydGluZ19tb250aD0yMDIyLTA3LzIwMjItMDctMDFfY2lnbmEtaGVhbHRoLWxpZmUtaW5zdXJhbmNlLWNvbXBhbnlfZW1wdHlfYWxsb3dlZC1hbW91bnRzLmpzb24iLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE2NjA1MTMxNTJ9fX1dfQ__&Signature=TgrqXWaOySbe57nYWyGHS32P9le~aBPpTSPXc5ZGV92r7wn1NvxBaPVZK~exjH3X-UefS-ok-HHxYTNl7-A~jGO5tsiKvZ5QxwToHHmnKjA3hfcncDM05SBT9mCNhH5J48YZvP4JbphJ6BkzZqlV1ou-Z2CltINlVW8lpcOE5dLZFRt8REdiB-pJY5gZq~BZvbWXp2Z7Lqu-s9CLsxZP02HJXPtgEG-SdTGl3FBpUlvlO36W9EJdocSPuhna5aRkbiCBWIbbuMaUiWZFJoy~kRJ3M3NoGAx6yIUhQSf3AYB7IWEOLsYkdtzFwq6R~siC8j5zyR4HU7lcC52dDP6YQQ__&Key-Pair-Id=K1NVBEPVH9LWJP

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BPI Packaging, LLC is delighted to announce that we have earned the ISO 9001:2015 certification.  The certification covers BPI’s full service chemical blending, filling and packaging services at both its…

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BPI enjoyed the 12th anniversary of their partnership with a leading auto care line in 2015. It all started when this family-owned comp...

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